Saturday, November 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The Fairy Cometh

"The best day of my life"
On Wednesday, August 3rd, at 1:10 PM, Ethan lost his very first tooth! It had been loose for quite some time and very, very loose for two days. He had begun to believe that he would never lose a tooth! He said, “This is the best day of my life!” after the tooth came out and he got over the momentary shock that it was actually separate from his mouth. He’s excited and proud and his new nickname is “Toothless Wonder” though he has all of his other teeth!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Six Years and Five Months Old

Today Ethan is 6 years and 5 months old. I think he's a pretty typical *almost* six and a half year old. He talks a lot, reads well, loves to learn, LOVES to play, is very imaginative and creative, and he can shoot down a slip-n-slide like a champ! He's a really nice boy. We have really been blessed with both of our good children. Thanks to our heavenly father for that!(We both fully expect to reap what we sowed in our youths, thankfully we have not had to harvest any of that yet! -GOD HELP US!!)
Ethan spent Saturday night at Grandma and Grandpa's. He played in the river and with his cousins, Jacob, Seth, and Logan. They ate a lot of icee's and had a lot of fun. He didn't even miss us! He's just so grown up now. That makes me really happy and kind of sad at the same time.
Today Emma told Ethan, "I like you, Ethan. You're my best friend!" It nearly made me cry! I am so happy that Ethan and Daniel have Emma and Addie to play with and grow up with. -Another of our many blessings!

Emma & Ethan
Monday, June 13, 2005
Kids Say the Silliest Things
This evening I was working in the garden and I left the scarecrow on so it was spraying me every few minutes. Ethan came out and was running around trying to make it spray me more and his friend from down the street came in the back yard to play for a little bit. I was working away at all those darn weeds and overheard Megan ask Ethan, "Why are you bald?" I never heard his response, but I thought that was such a funny thing for her to ask! I guess I am so accustomed to seeing the boys and Walter with short, short hair all summer that I don't realize that they do look rather shorn to other people!
I think it shows off their beautiful features so much better than when they have longer, really shiny, beautiful hair to hide under!!

I May Be Bald, But I Sure Can Wink!

The Bald Brothers
I think it shows off their beautiful features so much better than when they have longer, really shiny, beautiful hair to hide under!!

I May Be Bald, But I Sure Can Wink!

The Bald Brothers
Monday, May 30, 2005
Six Years and Four Months Old
Ethan is almost finished with Kindergarten. I can hardly believe that he will be a first grader soon! Walter and I are constantly amazed at how many words he can read. He reads the road signs while we are in the car now; He's quite the back seat driver! He can read many of his own books now. It's so exciting!
The other day he was playing with a 2nd grader friend in the yard and she lost her balance on his swing and it hit him in the mouth with the force of her weight which is significantly more than his is at 43 pounds, he was spouting blood and crying; She was freaking out in panic! I ran to him and held my hand over his mouth and as it quickly filled up with blood, I knew we had to go to the ER. I sent her to get Walter and we got in the car and went to the hospital and sat for 3 hours to be told that although he did have some lacerations and quite a lot of ecchymosis, there was really nothing they could do because they don't stitch the inside of the mouth - it may abscess. So, they gave him some tylenol and prescribed a lot of popsicles and peroxide rinses until it heals. He's fine now and nearly completely healed. The swing has not been touched for four days!

Six years and four months old. What a big helper!
The other day he was playing with a 2nd grader friend in the yard and she lost her balance on his swing and it hit him in the mouth with the force of her weight which is significantly more than his is at 43 pounds, he was spouting blood and crying; She was freaking out in panic! I ran to him and held my hand over his mouth and as it quickly filled up with blood, I knew we had to go to the ER. I sent her to get Walter and we got in the car and went to the hospital and sat for 3 hours to be told that although he did have some lacerations and quite a lot of ecchymosis, there was really nothing they could do because they don't stitch the inside of the mouth - it may abscess. So, they gave him some tylenol and prescribed a lot of popsicles and peroxide rinses until it heals. He's fine now and nearly completely healed. The swing has not been touched for four days!

Six years and four months old. What a big helper!
Friday, April 15, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Six Years and Two Months Old
Friday, February 25, 2005
We Got Enough Snow for a Snowman!
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Six Years and One Month Old

6 years and 1 Month
Ethan had a fun do for Crazy Hair Day at school. He requested two rubberbanded pigtails and the rest of his hair sticking straight out from his head. I had a lot of fun making it so!
Ethan is reading and loving school although he has some trouble with being too chatty and giggly with his friends. We are working hard on responsibility of self and asking for help from an adult when we are unable to behave.
Ethan is a good, smart, creative boy!
Friday, February 04, 2005
Back To Normal
Ethan is back to normal. He is eating and drinking as he did before his stomach/intestinal virus. Tonight he had a book from school to read at bedtime - he wanted Daddy to read it tomorrow night though. He called me into his room to "show me something." He was reading the book on his own! He can read words like "monster" and "truck", I am just amazed that he has begun to read on his own. He's an expert at sounding out! Woo HOOOO!
It's a joy to have such a smart, creative, fun, boy for a son!
I am one blessed woman!
It's a joy to have such a smart, creative, fun, boy for a son!
I am one blessed woman!
Monday, January 31, 2005
He's well!
Ethan is well! He does not (at least not yet) have HAE! I am so relieved!!
It took some real patience to get his stomach to stop rejecting food, but after a few hours of an ounce of fluid per 15 minutes, he was much, much better.
He is such a good boy. He loves the idea of me keeping kids at home, of course he knows and like the kids, so that helps.
I am proud to be Ethan's mom.
It took some real patience to get his stomach to stop rejecting food, but after a few hours of an ounce of fluid per 15 minutes, he was much, much better.
He is such a good boy. He loves the idea of me keeping kids at home, of course he knows and like the kids, so that helps.
I am proud to be Ethan's mom.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Stomach Flu?
Ethan was sick on Wednesday afternoon and into the night with what we thought might be a stomache virus. He complained of major abdominal pain. He vomited everything out over several hours and then dry heaved the last time in the wee hours of the morning. It was just awful.
He seemed better Thursday, though he was tired and cranky and he said his tummy was sore and hurting. We kept him home from school. Today he went to school, but this evening after dinner, he complained of pain again and threw up all of his dinner.
Could my little innocent boy have HAE? Could I have given him this horrid hereditary disorder? The thought makes me ill.
I think I will have Dr. Sauder do a blood test to see if it's HAE. I am praying that it's not.
He seemed better Thursday, though he was tired and cranky and he said his tummy was sore and hurting. We kept him home from school. Today he went to school, but this evening after dinner, he complained of pain again and threw up all of his dinner.
Could my little innocent boy have HAE? Could I have given him this horrid hereditary disorder? The thought makes me ill.
I think I will have Dr. Sauder do a blood test to see if it's HAE. I am praying that it's not.
Monday, January 17, 2005

Ethan - 6 Years Old - with Daniel
For Ethan's sixth birthday we decided to do a bedroom makeover. He had really wanted an extreme home makeover, like on TV, but of course that's not really something we could do! On Friday the 14th we drove up to IKEA in Woodbridge and got some shelves and storage boxes for his room. Ethan loves to go to IKEA because they have a really cool indoor playland where parents can leave kids. It is a well staffed, tricked out room with a ball pit, climbing wall, slide, etc. Kids can stay for 45 minutes at a time. Ethan went twice! We had lunch there (they have a really inexpensive, yummy food restaurant too). So that took the entire day and when we got home, Walter went to work and Ethan, Daniel and I went to Applebee's with Nana and Di. On Saturday we got up and drove to Charlottesville where we got some bulk groceries at Whole Foods and a gate and booster seat (for Ethan) at Toys R Us. On the way home we dropped Walter off at Ian's and they went and picked up a bunk bed that Ian got from freecycle.com. Saturday evening we went to Walker's 5th birthday party at Skate Town. Ethan had never been skating before and was afraid to skate by himself. Walter and I walked him around the rink a few times and he was off by himself. He was pretty good at it by the time we left! Sunday was a rush of church and cleaning. We got the house pretty organized before the party. Ethan's room is still kind of a jumble, but we got the shelves and the bunk bed built and in place. I hope to get some organizing done this week. Today I'm going to rest! Ethan has Josiah over and they are playing Nintendo. Whew!

Ethan's 6th Birthday CAKE!

Sam, Will, Ethan, and Walker Waiting to Dive In
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Sun Bread
The other day, Ethan and Mommy read a book called Sun Bread. Ethan really enjoyed the story and because there was a recipe for sun bread on the back cover, we decided to make our own sun bread.
Ethan ended up watching the making for the most part, but he did knead the dough and was very proud of the final result. Notice how similar the bread on the book cover and our creation look! FUN!
Written and illustrated by Elisa Kleven (Dutton, '01)
A baker brightens a bleak winter by baking a golden, glowing sun bread, which lifts the spirits (and bodies) of all who taste it, while it lures the real sun out of hiding!
"With rhyming text, brilliantly colored illustrations, and her trademark collages, Kleven depicts a world teeming with animals who celebrate the joy of baking bread and the return of the sun. With a sun bread recipe on the back cover.

The Book

Ethan and His Sun Bread
Ethan ended up watching the making for the most part, but he did knead the dough and was very proud of the final result. Notice how similar the bread on the book cover and our creation look! FUN!
Written and illustrated by Elisa Kleven (Dutton, '01)
A baker brightens a bleak winter by baking a golden, glowing sun bread, which lifts the spirits (and bodies) of all who taste it, while it lures the real sun out of hiding!
"With rhyming text, brilliantly colored illustrations, and her trademark collages, Kleven depicts a world teeming with animals who celebrate the joy of baking bread and the return of the sun. With a sun bread recipe on the back cover.

The Book

Ethan and His Sun Bread
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