Ethan had a fun do for Crazy Hair Day at school. He requested two rubberbanded pigtails and the rest of his hair sticking straight out from his head. I had a lot of fun making it so!
Ethan is reading and loving school although he has some trouble with being too chatty and giggly with his friends. We are working hard on responsibility of self and asking for help from an adult when we are unable to behave.
Ethan is back to normal. He is eating and drinking as he did before his stomach/intestinal virus. Tonight he had a book from school to read at bedtime - he wanted Daddy to read it tomorrow night though. He called me into his room to "show me something." He was reading the book on his own! He can read words like "monster" and "truck", I am just amazed that he has begun to read on his own. He's an expert at sounding out! Woo HOOOO!
It's a joy to have such a smart, creative, fun, boy for a son!