Today Ethan is 6 years and 5 months old. I think he's a pretty typical *almost* six and a half year old. He talks a lot, reads well, loves to learn, LOVES to play, is very imaginative and creative, and he can shoot down a slip-n-slide like a champ! He's a really nice boy. We have really been blessed with both of our good children. Thanks to our heavenly father for that!(We both fully expect to reap what we sowed in our youths, thankfully we have not had to harvest any of that yet! -GOD HELP US!!)
Ethan spent Saturday night at Grandma and Grandpa's. He played in the river and with his cousins, Jacob, Seth, and Logan. They ate a lot of icee's and had a lot of fun. He didn't even miss us! He's just so grown up now. That makes me really happy and kind of sad at the same time.
Today Emma told Ethan, "I like you, Ethan. You're my best friend!" It nearly made me cry! I am so happy that Ethan and Daniel have Emma and Addie to play with and grow up with. -Another of our many blessings!

Emma & Ethan