It turned out that a young woman had been traveling northbound on Rosser and decided to make a u-turn at the Rosser/Tiffany intersection, into the southbound lanes. She thought that the 18 wheeler was going to turn right on red and wanted to get around before he turned. She didn’t look to see if there was any oncoming traffic! Grandpa swerved to the right to avoid a head on collision with her and she t-boned the car as she was accelerating through her u-turn.
The young woman was a total emotional wreck, crying and trying to call her mother. Grandpa and Ethan were transported to the hospital in ambulances and x-rayed, but aside from muscular pain and bruises, everyone is OK. Both cars had to be towed.
We got home about 10:00 PM and had sandwiches and grapes for dinner then Walter and Ethan took Grandma and Grandpa home to Highland and got back home very late!
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